Faster than making a brew

Posted at Dec 10, 09:18h in company Macrium Software, Marketing Categories: company, case-study


Tapes belong back in the 80s when the ‘Now’ collections were all the fashion and you would record the top 40 off the radio on a Sunday afternoon. Using tape based solutions for disk recovery takes effort and time which busy IT administrators just don’t have. David Ritchie Ltd, who offer innovative material handling solutions, realised the importance of a reliable and fast backup solution.

Ritchie’s have 5 servers in place and wanted to virtualise all server functions and should disaster strike, be confident all their data would still be available. Additionally all host and guest servers needed to be backed-up to NAS devices for fast data retrieval.

2 minutes. That’s all it takes for a fast, full image backup which can be replicated in multiple locations. It takes longer than that to make a good builders cup of tea. Ritchie’s have been using Macrium Reflect for over 5 years now and utilise Macrium for weekly full back ups and daily ‘differentails’.

Macrium have helped Ritchie to make virtualisation of old server functions painless and the fact Macrium can handle GPT disks, has proved a useful component to the software.

So next time you boil your kettle, just think what Macrium could be doing behind the scenes!

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Faster than making a brew

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The Local IT Administrator is leading v6 product design at Macrium